Tourism Travel Trends

In the past years, change is the only constant in travel trends. Every year even every month people follow trends that will surely make a hit in the tourism and hospitality industry. Especially this year, in the era of pandemic a lot of adjustments is being made due to safety and health protocols that needed to be followed. The industry is making a lot of efforts for its people to enjoy traveling the world while staying safe. Aside from that, this industry needs to recover the joyful pre-pandemic travel trends to assure that the industry is still reliable, or even surpasses it and changes for the better even the pandemic happens. Now, let’s see what the travel trends are currently and in the near future. 

Previous Travel Trends

Let us reminisce all the previous travel trends during the past years. Let’s see the growth of travel trends--what it was, where it is been, how and where it is going.

Travelers transition from a detailed travel plan to doing the “Do It Yourself” travel

Before travelers won’t go on a trip without a detailed trip plan to be followed. They make sure that they have things and schedules to follow when they are on a trip like where they will stay, eat, and go at a specific time. In present times, travelers love to do DIY travel, they love the feeling of being at the moment. Enjoying things on their own, learning things from the trip, being independent, and saving more budget than having a detailed travel plan.

The industry advocates ‘Sustainable Tourism’ than “Over tourism”

Back then, over-tourism was prominent. The tourism influx in every known destination became uncontrollable to the point that some of those destinations needed to be closed and goes on under rehabilitation. Ever since things like that happen, the industry advocates the ‘Sustainable Tourism’ that is good for everyone whereas it balances things that will surely work for the destination, its surroundings, and the experiences of tourists.

Social Media Marketing

Rather than posting in the newspaper, journal, and articles using social media has been more convenient to use when it comes to promoting the destination and traveling. Different social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, blogs, and more have been easily accessible around the world. In just one click all of your answers regarding your travel planning are found and you can also share your thoughts, suggestions, feedback as well as influence other travelers to visit such destinations.

       Time leisure over expensive leisure

As the year passes by, most of the travelers choose trips wherein they can stay for long while still staying on their budget plan. They are focusing on trips wherein they spent their time well without spending too much. Unlike before, travelers chose destinations where they will pick expensive trips just to feel leisure just for a short time.

     Unique travel destinations rather than popular destinations

Popular destinations are known as the places that everyone includes in their travel bucket list. However, people are surging into destinations that unique to most people. They are looking for a trip that will feel new for them and fewer people know about it since it is a remote area yet appealing. These people love adventures and seeking for new experiences.

The stated above, are all previous trends. Now, sip at your coffee, and let’s move forward into future travel trends.


Future Travel Trends

Not just the year changes but also the surroundings due to the pandemic. Together even with the pandemic, let’s move forward and look for a brighter future for the tourism and hospitality industry.

Masks everywhere

Whenever and wherever we go, using and putting masks will always be a must even though some restrictions are lifted. The mask together with the vaccine card is like a valid ID that is needed to be presented wherever we go. Indeed, traveling while wearing a mask is a little bit uncomfortable for some but just think of it as your own clothes and be a fashionista while wearing it during your trip.

    Technology advances more

During these times, less contact with other people is better to avoid any risk. Due to that, some technologies do things for us. One of the examples of it is the E-payments that we use now. It is more convenient to use since you can do payments and services online and it is contactless. In addition to this, robots might do some works those humans can do just like providing services.

     Destinations are coming back

Being shut down for almost two years, international and local destinations are slowly opening for their tourists. Yes, with restrictions but it will be available for people who miss and love to travel. Let the tourists travel with their favorite destinations again or even let them discover a new pleasing destination. Of course, while traveling following the safety protocols is a must. 

    Travel requirements

It is stricter than before since most of the establishments need to prioritize the safety of their tourists more than anything. We will never know when the COVID-19 will surge again, so every time we plan to travel to somewhere searching the updated travel requirements that are required in that place is necessary to avoid any conflicts.

Continuous sustainable tourism

Even and especially now sustainable tourism is essential. Due to pandemic, the eco-friendly trip will be promoted to make sure that tourists and the locals are safe from any harm. Sustainable tourism will balance everything, especially in hard times like this which is why it is been advocating continuously.


The stated above are all the previous travel trends and future travel trends. After all those years and in the recent years of being lockdown together let’s all move forward for a sustainable future and bring back the golden years of the tourism and hospitality industry. As I said, change is the only constant in this industry all tourists should adapt to it easily for them to be able to enjoy the trip while prioritizing their safety. Nothing is better than being safe while feeling leisure.


Stay safe and stay in the skies, everyone!


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